Sobre o Armazém Integral | About Armazém Integral
O Armazém Integral nasce do sonho de revolucionar os hábitos de consumo de forma geral, resgatando a forma simples o que se vivia antigamente. O tempo em que não havia grandes superfícies, onde as compras eram feitas nas mercearias locais, e a alimentação e os hábitos de consumo eram naturalmente mais saudáveis, sustentáveis e conscientes.

Trabalhei 16 anos na indústria farmacêutica e durante esta jornada apaixonei-me e especializei-me no mundo das plantas, e de como podemos prevenir e tratar várias patologias da saúde através de elementos provenientes da natureza.
Foi com esta experiência que decidi empreender o Armazém Integral, com o objetivo de promover a saúde de forma simples e natural aliando a isto, hábitos de consumo mais conscientes e sustentáveis para o nosso planeta.
O nosso espaço conta uma área de restauração muito agradável, uma esplanada rodeada de arte que nos ajuda a relaxar enquanto desfrutamos de um menu 100% plant based, elaborado de forma saudável e natural.
Somos uma Eco Shop, com mercearia a granel biológica, e com soluções eco para casa, higiene pessoal e dia-a-dia.
A nossa missão é sensibilizar e inspirar toda a comunidade de que pequenos gestos geram grandes mudanças.
Armazém Integral was born from the dream of revolutionizing consumption habits in general, rescuing the simple way of living in the past. The time when there were no large supermarkets, where purchases were made at local grocery stores, and food and consumption habits were naturally healthier, sustainable and conscious.

I worked 16 years in the pharmaceutical industry and during this journey I fell in love with and specialized in the world of plants, and how we can prevent and treat various health pathologies through elements from nature.
It was with this experience that I decided to undertake Armazém Integral, with the aim of promoting health in a simple and natural way, combining this with more conscious and sustainable consumption habits for our planet.
Our space has a very pleasant dining area, an esplanade surrounded by art that helps us relax while enjoying a 100% plant-based menu, prepared in a healthy and natural way.
We are an Eco Shop, with organic bulk grocery store, and with eco solutions for the home, personal hygiene and everyday life.
Our mission is to raise awareness and inspire the entire community that small gestures generate big changes.
It was with this experience that I decided to undertake Armazém Integral, with the aim of promoting health in a simple and natural way, combining this with more conscious and sustainable consumption habits for our planet.
Our space has a very pleasant dining area, an esplanade surrounded by art that helps us relax while enjoying a 100% plant-based menu, prepared in a healthy and natural way.
We are an Eco Shop, with organic bulk grocery store, and with eco solutions for the home, personal hygiene and everyday life.
Our mission is to raise awareness and inspire the entire community that small gestures generate big changes.